In Fall 2025, I will be a Limited Term Assistant Professor at the University of Georgia, studying representation theory and tensor-triangular geometry with Nate Harman and Dan Nakano.

I am a mathematics Ph.D. candidate at the University of California Santa Cruz. I study modular representation theory under the supervision of Robert Boltje. See my research page for more details.

Prior to beginning my Ph.D., I was a platform engineer at SupplyFrame who dabbled in NLP and AI. I completed my undergraduate degree at Harvey Mudd College in 2017 (WIBSTR) with a major in mathematics and a concentration in political studies centered on environmental and ethnic politics.

Beyond research, I am strongly interested in mathematics education and outreach. Here are my CV, Google Scholar, arXiv, and ResearchGate.

I can be contacted at sakmille [at] ucsc [dot] edu.